A Word from Mamusia

"As we reflect on another year gone by, my heart is filled with gratitude and deep appreciation for each one of you. Your steadfast support, prayers, and love continue to be the foundation upon which our Kasisi family thrives. Through your generosity and compassion, you bring hope and light into the lives of our children, reminding them every day that they are cherished, valued, and never alone." Read the complete message here.


Cash, parcel, donations should be issued in the name of Kasisi Orphanage
Financial donations to Kasisi Children's Home should be done through Electronic/ International Transfers and not cheques. Please always email Sister Mariola for further instructions and clarifications.

 Lend a Hand
Kasisi Children’s Home urgently needs computers; black school shoes – any size; school bags – any type or colour; Baby formula – NAN 1, 2 & 3; washing powder; bathing soap; pampers (diapers); blankets; and, toys.

Please visit Our Monthly Expenses for details.

We know that Kasisi will live in our hearts forevermore - Veronika & Michael

Once You Enter, You Will Never Be the Same - Elizabeth

More testimonials & feature articles
Reflections from the Webmaster
 Our Latest News
Thank you Embassy of the Republic of Poland in Pretoria
As part of the support provided by the Embassy of the Republic of Poland in Pretoria, which forms part of the project - "Improving teaching conditions for the charges of the Kasisi Children's Home", we are happy

to inform you that we managed to purchase 200 backpacks with full equipment, as well as laptops and a photocopier, which were donated to our library.

The projected is implemented as part of the development cooperation of the Ministry of Foreign Affairs.

Thank you for this valuable help, which significantly supports the educational development of our charges.

In photographs - Polish Ambassador Adam Burakowski with Mamusia

How to be a volunteer at Kasisi
Do you want to be a volunteer at Kasisi Children's Home? If so, please read our key information on how to do so on this link.
Inside Kasisi
In Inside Kasisi, we have latest updates on Experiencing our world, and Who came to visit.
Shoprite donates
We are very grateful to Shoprite for helping us in so many different ways especially with donations of food.
Richard scores big

Another son of of Kasisi celebrated his graduation from the university of Zimbabwe. All the best Richard! May God bless you and guide you as you walk along the path of your vocation.

Confirmation Day
Several children received the Sacrament of Confirmation during Holy Mass celebrated by His Grace Archbishop Alick Banda.
Read our recent past news...

Last updated
Saturday January 04, 2025

 Inside Kasisi  Experience our world
Who came visiting
Kasisi around the world

Kasisi in the UK
Kasisi Children's Home is officially registered as a charity in the United Kingdom. The registration number is 1114313.
Weblink: https://register-of-charities.charitycommission.gov.uk/charity-details/?regid=1114313&subid=0

Barclays Bank PLC
Dorking (2)
Account name:
Kasisi Childrens Home
Account number: 33266923
IBAN: GB09 BARC 2024 0033 2669 23
SORT CODE: 20-24-00

Contacts and Trustees
Barbara McKay
Email: bmckay767@gmail.com
Tel: +447767458110

Ken McKay
Email:  kmckay@ebpsource.com
Phone UK: +44 1753 567896
Mobile UK: +44 7785 222472
Fax UK: +44 1753 567897
Skype: kenmckay

Kasisi in Poland
Visit http://www.fundacjakasisi.pl/
Kasisi in the USA
Friends of Kasisi Children’s Home, Inc.
18 Racquet Rd
Jamestown RI 02835
Contact Hugh Balloch at hmballoch@gmail.com.
Kasisi in the Netherlands
Stichting Kasisi
De Gaarde 8
8121BV Olst
Tel: 06-54964558
Tel: 0570-564167
Kasisi now on  Amazon

Kasisi is now registered with Smile Amazon. We will get charity donations whenever friends of Kasisi buy through Smile Amazon, once they have named Kasisi as their chosen charity.

Courtesy of Barbara McKay of Kasisi United Kingdom

About Kasisi Address Links SHARE IT ON
How the Children find themselves at Kasisi
How much we spend in a month
Kasisi Children's Home
P.O. 33441 Lusaka
Tel: +260211210585
 Mobile +260977651164
Fundacja Kasisi
Stichting KASISI
Project Luyando
Website  hosting courtesy of  Theirry deJonghe
Design & maintenance courtesy of Mbinji Mufalo
The video in the Home page is courtesy of Fundacja Kasisi

© 2024 Kasisi Children's Home