A Christmas Message from Kasisi Children’s Home

Sr. Mariola, Sister in Charge
Kasisi Children’s Home

Dear Friends of Kasisi from Around the World,

As we reflect on another year gone by, my heart is filled with gratitude and deep appreciation for each one of you. Your steadfast support, prayers, and love continue to be the foundation upon which our Kasisi family thrives. Through your generosity and compassion, you bring hope and light into the lives of our children, reminding them every day that they are cherished, valued, and never alone.

This year has been a year of blessings, challenges, and growth. We have celebrated moments of joy and achievement, and we have leaned on faith during times of difficulty. Our children have grown, not just in height, but in spirit, in confidence, and in hope. They have learned, laughed, dreamed, and overcome challenges that would break the spirit of many. And at the center of their resilience is the love you have sent, love that knows no boundaries, love that transcends distance, love that transforms lives. Your friendship has been a beacon of strength. You are not just donors, supporters or friends of Kasisi, you are part of our family, woven into the very fabric of Kasisi Children’s Home.

To our friends in America, Africa, Europe, Australia, and every corner of the globe, your support has been our lifeline. You have provided more than just financial assistance. You have provided hope. You have provided dreams. You have provided a future.

Christmas, a season of love and renewal, invites us to pause and reflect on the blessings we share. It is a time to celebrate the gift of community and to remember that we are bound together by love and kindness. From the smallest child in our care to the dedicated staff who nurture and guide them, we carry you in our hearts during this holy season.

As we gather to celebrate the birth of Christ, we pray that your homes are filled with peace, joy, and the warmth of togetherness. May the light of the Christmas star guide you, and may the coming year bring you abundant blessings, good health, and boundless joy.

Looking ahead to the new year, we remain hopeful and committed to continuing this sacred work. With your continued partnership, we are confident that we will keep building brighter futures for every child at Kasisi. You give us the courage to dream bigger, and we are forever grateful.

From all of us at Kasisi Children's Home, every child, every sister, every staff member – we send you our most heartfelt Christmas wishes. You are family. You are loved. You are remembered. May the joy of the season be with you and your loved ones.

With gratitude and love,
Sr. Mariola

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P.O. 33441 Lusaka
Tel: +260211210585
 Mobile +260977651164
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